Tankless NPE-180A2

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Tankless NPE-180A2


  • Field convertible gas system
  • Ultra condensing efficiency
  • Dual stainless steel heat exchangers
  • Low NOx emissions (20ppm)
  • SCH 40, 2" venting up to 75'
  • Cascading capable
  • EZNav multi-line control panel
  • Built-in HotButton control panel
  • Common vent up to 12 units


NPE-180A2 premium features and benefits

2" PVC venting up to 75 feet
Low exhaust gas temperatures allow use of PVC (including schedule 40 PVC), CPVC, polypropylene (rigid and flexible) and stainless steel venting saving time and costs.Vent Installation Detector (VID) for added safety.

Dual Venturi for field gas conversions. Dual Venturi system creates better combustion control and turndown ratio.

ComfortFlow® NPE-A2 built-in recirculation system
The patented ComfortFlow® system is the first to include a buffer tank, recirculation pump and fine-tuned controls into a tankless water heater.


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